Algebra – Written around 1999
I went to Algebra class as happy as could be
Unknowing of what danger was lurking there for me
What is this I see
Oh dear poor me
This must not be my day
What is wrong with him
For mercy must I plea
When is recess
This is a catastrophe
I'd rather die
From this class I must flee
π pi
I think I'm going to cry
² Square
Algebra doesn't fight fair
√ Square Root
My brain will it pollute
But to Algebra I'll be loyal
Cartesian Coordinates
Finally this all makes sense
Quadratic Equation
Oh I see, Algebra's part of God's Creation
Dedicated to Mr. Dennis Taboada
Thank you for taking the time to teach me.
The Month Before Christmas – Written around 1999
T’was the month before Christmas and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring except one great mouse
And just for a change of hat, we will call it a rat
It was running through the garage looking for something to eat this or that
It did not wish to wander far
So it chose the family car
It crawled under the hood
Till on the engine block it stood
Oh for something to eat did it desire
So it chose an ignition wire
Nibble, nibble, gnaw, gnaw
That horrid creature ate it all
Another wire did it eat part
Then to its nest it did depart
The next day when the mother and brother had planned to go on a trip
After hearing the engine that expedition they did skip
Clang, clang, clunk, clunk
The car’s engine sounded like a piece of junk
Later that day the car did the father have someone repair
And when he saw the bill he did despair
When he found out that the rat had had a $300 meal
That creature he had a great zeal to kill
He put out some poison and two rat traps
Hoping that across one the rat would come perhaps
The poison was little bars that were blue
Each one a lethal dose which the father hoped the rat would chew
That night as the rat entered in from the east
He beheld before his eyes a great blue feast
He ate every single one of them the greedy little beast
For two more nights he ate just as much
Till on the forth night not a bar did he touch
On the fifth day as the father was inspecting the garage, that creature’s habitat
He found the dead rat
He saw its head faced
12 inches short of a blue bar it never got to taste
Then the corpse the father did dispose
And what ever happened to it nobody knows
And this is the end of my little prose
This is based on a true story and is 100% accurate to even the least deTAIL.