I worked recently to add a Calix E7 to a network to do GPON Fiber for Ethernet customers. The customers would need to get a dhcp address for a dhcp server, and I needed to add DHCP Option 82 logging for record keeping purposes. Continue reading “Using an ASR9000 with Calix E7 gear”
Setting up 802.q and switch ports in an ASR9000
IOS-XR has a structure that is very different than standard IOS. I would recomend checking the different documentation at Cisco.com this post is not going to explain things like having to commit a config before it is applied… etc, but rather I am going to assume you have read the getting started guide.
The project that lead to me being exposed to an ASR9000 is a network migration that is replacing a pair of 7200 routers and a 3750 switch (which is only being used for layer2 features) with a single ASR9000 with Redundant RSPs. The ASR has a 40 port gig module and a 4 port 10 gig module. To replace the switch I need to add ports to a “vlan” and trunk those vlans to downstream switches at other pops. Continue reading “Setting up 802.q and switch ports in an ASR9000”