I worked recently to add a Calix E7 to a network to do GPON Fiber for Ethernet customers. The customers would need to get a dhcp address for a dhcp server, and I needed to add DHCP Option 82 logging for record keeping purposes. Continue reading “Using an ASR9000 with Calix E7 gear”
Allowing UNI or protected ports on Cisco switch to reach each other using IP
When deploying Metro Ethernet service and Colocated services, best practice it to put the ports in protected mode or uni. This is to prevent customers from causing interference to each other with layer2 protocols. It also allows the user of service provider traffic filtering. The downside is without additional configuration, customer traffic to another customer is blackholed when they exist in the same subnet. Continue reading “Allowing UNI or protected ports on Cisco switch to reach each other using IP”